Saturday, November 21, 2009
[荷蘭生活實用資訊] 我的荷蘭駕照
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
[工作與學習] 開學典禮
Sunday, August 16, 2009
[實用資訊] 東歐的阿爾卑斯山之瘋狂爬山記
Eindhoven [搭飛機+機場接送巴士, 1.5hr, 70euro]->Krakow
Krakow [搭巴士, 15 zl(約150ntd), 2hr] ->Zakopane [搭巴士, 7 zl, 30 min]->Lysa Polana [步行, 7hr]->Chata Pod Rysmi [14euro/night/person]
D 3:
[全程步行, 7hr] Chata Pod Rysmi -> Chata Popradske pleso->Koprovsky stit-> Chata Popradske pleso [16 euro/night/person]
D 4:
Chata Popradske pleso [步行, 6hr]- > Stary Smokovec [ 火車, 0.7 euro, 20min]-> Stara Lesna [步行, 1km]-> Camping site in Camp Jupela [5 euro/night/person]
Camping site in Camp Jupela [步行, 1km]->Stara Lesna [火車, 0.7 euro, 20min] -> Stary Smokovec [纜車,5.8 euro來回]->Hrebienok [步行, 4hr]-> Priecne sedlo [步行, 3hr]-> Hrebienok -> Smokovec [1euro, 30min]->Poprad [30euro, 4.5hr]via Kosice->Budapest
[遊記] 東歐的阿爾卑斯山之瘋狂爬山記

Tatras山群可以說是東歐的阿爾卑斯山,屬於喀爾巴阡山脈的最西邊,也成為波蘭與斯洛伐克的天然國界。久聞其名的Tolik老早就決定要到那裡看一看,我們探查了多方消息,決定不當只拿著水壺登山的觀光客,背上所有行囊從波蘭這一側波蘭最高峰Rysy後,直接穿越國境進入斯洛伐克境內的 Tatras 國家公園逛完其他山頭後,搭火車去匈牙利,然後在布達佩斯的同學 Pali家玩一兩天。
然而,這樣的計畫在我背上了十九公斤的背包,步行進入國家公園入口前往 Rysy 後,開始產生了質疑。首先,Tolik 透露他曾背過三十五公斤背包健行,他老爸還曾是在北極圈永久凍土上蓋過軍營的蘇聯軍人,一上路就步伐緩慢的我開始懷疑自己,有沒有辦法跟上這位有強健體魄的烏克蘭同學,越過矗立在遠方的高山。
走十公里到 Morskie Oko 湖後,我的步伐越來越慢,然而才過了兩小時。繞過巨大的冰斗湖,才發現剛剛看到位於對岸湖邊的白點竟然是有好幾座房子大小的一整片的冰,掛在曾是冰河峽谷的陡峭山坡(是那種越爬越陡,到最後幾乎垂直的坡)上。而這個山坡才是挑戰的開始,因為接下來要爬四小時垂直上升一公里到 Rysy 山頂。
相較 Tolik 七十五公斤的身軀,十幾公斤的背包重量似乎算不了什麼,因此他很快就拋下我。我明白自己已有疲態,所以開始放慢腳步,想要照著自己的節奏,並用時間換取力量。步道在雲霧環繞下似乎是永無止境地向上延伸,我的大腿開始無力,前進的速度也也僅剩大部分沒有背裝備的波蘭登山客的一半,像山羊一樣在陡峭山壁休息的次數也越來越多,運動量感覺大概跟一天去十次健身房有得比。接下來左腳也出問題,只能用右腳前進一步喘氣一下,很像在登喜馬拉雅山缺氧一樣。好笑的是,此時坡度雖然越來越陡,開始需要用到雙手攀爬岩壁或是拉住鍊條,但我還舒服一些,因為不需要用腳。
經過數個小時大腿不斷的痛苦折磨後,我終於登上山頂見到等待已經一個小時的 Tolik。他說很佩服我,因為我雖然體力吃緊,但還是靠意志力堅持下去,這跟本來登山就毫不費力的人比起來,挑戰大得多。
我們繼續沿著步道進入斯洛伐克後來到一個大冰塊旁邊的避難小屋,進入小屋 Check-In 後的煮飯空檔,我大概有一個小時都呆坐在板凳上。雖然晚餐是簡單的義大利麵,但我覺得超級好吃,我也開始想起在荷蘭的生活是多麼舒適,因為在這裡張羅晚餐跟上個廁所都要花掉許多時間。
Sunday, July 12, 2009
[荷蘭生活實用資訊] 荷蘭人最愛的交通工具腳踏車
結果傳言屬實。班上少少三十幾個人,就有兩個人被偷過幾近全新、造價 500 多歐元的腳踏車。Chanpreet 買了一個月,鎖被剪斷後失竊,雖然有保險理賠,但那款車外型她超喜歡,而且後來再也找不到這一款了。Yulia 在兩個月內被偷兩次,所以她現在騎的腳踏車是第三台。這兩個人被偷的地方都是學校外包的外籍學生跟雇員宿舍地下室的車庫,而據說該處的腳踏車失竊率超高。Chanpreet 還有一個印度朋友也是放在那裡被偷,不過只被偷一個輪胎,他因為怕沒辦法理賠,所以乾脆把整台車拿到人行道上,隔天整台不見,於是就高高興興去辦理賠了。
那麼腳踏車的保險費有多貴呢?我的印尼同學 Ricky 說,他那一台腳踏車 400 多歐元,保險費就要 200 多歐元,高額保費讓我不禁聯想到是不是每兩台腳踏車就會被偷一台!?
被偷的車子到底都怎麼銷贓呢?據說火車站晚上十點的時候會有一些非歐洲血統的居民[註一]出來賣腳踏車,一台 10 歐。
荷蘭人都怎麼買這麼貴的腳踏車呢?在 Eindhoven 有一項很普遍的措施就是用休不完的假期換腳踏車,因為一天假期折合 150 歐元,最高可以賣五天假期買價值 750 歐元的腳踏車,比起把假期換錢(要課稅)划算很多,因此我聽過 ASML 前同事還有現在學程的同學們都是這樣買腳踏車的。
[註一] Eindhoven 這個城市的原住民是荷蘭白人,但非歐洲血統的各國移民為數也不少,後者從面孔上來看應該有北非阿拉伯裔、非洲裔、印度巴基斯坦裔、印尼裔、華裔等。
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
[跨文化溝通] introduction day 跟德國佬吵架
有趣的是,接下來 Ulf 跟同組的立陶宛女生聊天聊到他住的地方,竟然就是德國最北,離丹麥只有七公里,人口八萬的自由市 Flensburg,我就在想該不會那個市真的沒人說丹麥語吧,要不然就是這個人沒有說丹麥語的朋友,或是朋友即使會說丹麥語也跟他說德語。就像是在台北市很少人說客家話或閩南話,有些人會以為我是外省人,結果我其實是個爸媽都講客家話,我是個只會聽但不太會講客家話的人。
我 google 後發現 Flensburg 是個自由市,1864年以前是丹麥皇室的主要港口,1864年德丹戰爭以後變成普魯士的,目前該市有 20% 是丹麥人社群,而且丹麥社群跟德國社群還號稱和諧相處極少摩擦。許多丹麥人在 2003 年以前會跑到這裡來買酒跟煙,因為這裡稅比丹麥低很多,不過 2003 年以後丹麥稅變低,這樣的跨境購物又變少了,現在反倒比較流行瑞典人跟挪威人到丹麥購物。
[我的同學] Party in Tolik's place [18 禁!]
[跨文化溝通] Party in Chanpreet place
後來上網查了以後才發現,原來小說中主角聽過 John Lenon 寫的這首歌 Norwegian wood,所以小說才取名挪威的森林。所以伍佰為何也將這首歌取名為挪威的森林,恐怕要問他了。
註二:台灣人比較熟悉的例子應該是新加坡英語(Singlish),因為他們把英文當作溝通的語言,不過不可避免地也加入福建跟廣東話的語法習慣,聽起來就跟英美人講的英語不一樣。其實在世界各地,英國殖民過的地方都有這種英語跟當地語言交融的情形發生,甚至在非洲有些地方大家靠這種語言溝通,比如說克里奧語 (Creole)。
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
[跨文化溝通] 測驗自己適合在那個國家工作跟生活
Power Distance Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a society's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others'.
Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are inte-grated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself and his/her immediate family. On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The word 'collectivism' in this sense has no political meaning: it refers to the group, not to the state. Again, the issue addressed by this dimension is an extremely fundamental one, regarding all societies in the world.
Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. The IBM studies revealed that (a) women's values differ less among societies than men's values; (b) men's values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally different from women's values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to women's values on the other. The assertive pole has been called 'masculine' and the modest, caring pole 'feminine'. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men; in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men's values and women's values.
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to man's search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, different from usual. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'. People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also more emotional, and motivated by inner nervous energy. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to; they try to have as few rules as possible, and on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist and allow many currents to flow side by side. People within these cultures are more phlegmatic and contemplative, and not expected by their environment to express emotions.
Long-Term Orientation (LTO) versus short-term orientation: this fifth dimension was found in a study among students in 23 countries around the world, using a questionnaire designed by Chinese scholars It can be said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth. Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift and perseverance; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one's 'face'. Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the teachings of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C.; however, the dimension also applies to countries without a Confucian heritage.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
[實用資訊] 我申請產業用數學領域碩士後學程的動機說明信(application letter)
As a technical support engineer in ASML Taiwan for two years, I found I need more technological background to support my future career path as a designer in Europe. In ASML, I gained many useful experiences of team work, helped customer on various requests and also developed analytical troubleshooting skills on our 20million-euro product “twinscan”. Communicating with R&D engineers back in headquarter in Holland, however, I found some critical problems in our product due to nanometer scale distortions can only be monitored and solved using computer simulation with comprehensive knowledge background and are only dealt with in the headquarters in Europe.
In my graduate school, programming skills were intensively used since we needed to implement new ideas of algorithms used in computer graphics. Also because my major is mechanical engineering, I studied relative engineering subjects in which industrial mathematics are highly applied. Therefore, I believe I am capable to enter this program to further strengthen myself because I can directly choose corresponding advanced courses ( For example, if there are any, like continuum mechanics, elasticity mechanics, structural dynamics, advanced mechanics of materials, etc.) based on my previous engineering background and my programming skills to implement hand-on practices are already ready. In other words, this is an excellent program for me to equip myself with specific courses and then work on the project later in this program.
From a long-term perspective, I’d like to promote the industrial cooperation between Taiwan and Europe. Taiwanese are excellent at mass production while Europeans invest a lot on innovation for new products. Therefore, study or even working in Europe can help me absorb European essence, improve mutual trust and prosperity.
Regarding my personality, I believe I am able to respect for diverse cultures and accomplish the goal of multinational cooperation in this multinational program with the following experiences. The reason is, after my military service, I challenged myself to conduct a personal home-stay program and a trip through the Silk Road. In these activities I enjoyed sharing multicultural experiences with people of over 30 nationalities. Afterwards, for my previous company ASML, I enjoyed working with people of different cultural backgrounds and cooperating with them on various activities when I spent 9 weeks in Veldhoven, Holland for the new product integration program.
[實用資訊] 到荷蘭短期工作 --- 安荷芬工業大學產業用數學領域碩士後學程簡介
本學程的學生使用知識移民(knowledge migrant)簽證居留,可以找一(多)位家庭成員或是男(女)朋友一同居留,400歐元簽證費用自付。安荷芬排名荷蘭物價最昂貴的城市之一,每月住宿費用約為300到500歐元,需要自付。每位學生將一律會獲得固定1542.85歐元的新家裝潢費用,以及最高726.05歐元的行李搬運費用(實報實銷,台灣郵局空運20公斤行李大約12天可到荷蘭,費用約為4200台幣)。一年有41天的假(所以等於可以放八星期又一天),大部分荷蘭人放在暑假一個月還有聖誕節一個月。單程機票可報銷,學校也會免費提供一台筆記型電腦。當地工程師的月薪大約稅後2000歐元,約聘者稍高。荷蘭跟其他北歐國家很相近,都是偏社會主義國家,賦稅很高,但社會福利要到老了、失業或結婚生小孩才享受得到,小孩唸書費用非常低。荷蘭外食非常昂貴,便宜的食物有KFC(最便宜的套餐5.4歐元)跟麥當勞之類的,不過選擇不多,因此絕大部分的人選擇自己煮,而住房所附的廚房配備也較為齊全。我跟系上的HR(她對移民簽證事務非常專業)獲得關於居留相關的說明,她解釋任何外國人只要在荷蘭合法連續居留五年,就可以申請永久居留證。任何在荷蘭合法連續居留滿五年以上的外國人,只要充分融入荷蘭社會(以非常全面且生活化的荷語考試為確認依據),就有資格申請成為荷蘭公民,不過需不需要放棄原有國籍我沒問,所以不太清楚。
2.於modelling week前email寄出以下申請文件(若為實體文件,可以掃瞄成圖檔或是pdf檔後寄出):
A.An application letter. 申請動機信函,沒有固定格式,通常為一頁A4。
B.A copy of the original Master degree certificate from your university. 中文碩士學位證明
C.The translation into English of this certificate, validated by your university administration.英文碩士學位證明
D.A copy of the official program of your university for obtaining the Bachelor and Master degree in Mathematics or close-related fields, such as physics, econometrics, electrical and mechanical engineering. 學士學程正式內容(可以將成績單課程當中必修選修課程圈出示意即可)
E.The translation into English of this program with the same layout as the original. 英文版學士學程正式內容(可以將英文版成績單課程當中必修選修課程圈出示意即可)
F.A copy of the list of marks that you obtained in order to fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor and Master degree. 中文版學士碩士成績單
G.The translation of the list of marks, validated by your university administration. 英文版學士碩士成績單
H.A copy of your passport. 護照影本
I.A Curriculum Vitae including your personal data, complete description of your education, additional experience, publications and reports, etc. 英文版履歷,含學歷、經歷、著作及報告等。
J.A list of courses undertaken during your university study. 大學及研究所修習主要課程列表(可以加註這些主要課程的修課內容敘述,讓人更容易明白教科書,修習章節及時數)
K.A description of some of the research work you have done during your studies or of some practical experience. 在學校或是工作單位中從事的研究工作簡述
L.Other relevant information. 其他相關資料
3.若通過資料審查,將被安排參加modeling week,機票食宿交通全數由本學程支付。Modeling week最後兩天進行面試,面試結束後當場決定錄取與否。
Modelling week小檔案
2.主辦單位:安荷芬工業大學 (Technisiche Universiteit Eindhoven) 碩士後學程,產業用數學領域 (mathematics for industry)
3.第一天下午廠商代表 OCE technology 提出六個問題。這些問題通常是該單位的技術瓶頸或是需要新點子的激盪,也可能是過去已經交由本學程處理過或是現在正在處理的問題。
8.Party night
9.BBQ dinner
11.第七、八天為面試,每個人有三十分鐘面試,由一位學程主管、一位學程職涯輔導老師及一位顧問根據參加者的申請文件及modeling week參與狀況出題詢問。
13.2009年四月Modeling week 照片集。
他是荷蘭台夫特理工大學的航太碩士,擁有航空動力學的專業,他分配到的小組也是要解決與航空動力學非常相似的一個油膜流體力學問題。不過在final presentation中,我看到他取代group leader,直接與problem owner溝通,一對一討論問題,看起來非常專業。但是這一點據湯馬士所言,讓他被刷下來,據稱學程負責人認為他取代了group leader,其他組員的參與程度也降低了。或許強調群體參與的荷蘭人很重視這一點吧,或是課程負責人認為如果錄取他,他也不一定會來,所以不要浪費錄取名額。據小道消息所言,去年錄取了八人,結果只有四個人來。
他是印度理工學院數學統計研究所第一名畢業的,他自己的cover letter中提到他想要念PHD,所以評審認為他不適合這個以實務為導向的學程,拒絕他進入這個學程。不過巧的是,50分鐘後他收到本大學同一個學系所開的另一個學程的全額獎學金錄取通知,所以接下來我會在同一棟大樓常常碰見他。