The brief story of this car
I am Chris, a Taiwanese who had lived in Eindhoven from 2009 to 2014. I studied and worked in TU/e and FEI while I was in the Netherlands. The following is a brief story to defend that my Toyota Aygo is in a very nice condition.
This Toyota Aygo was purchased from a first-hand owner in Nijmegen on Dec 23, 2013. She sold it because she and her husband were going to have their first baby and bought a larger car. She kept the car under regular maintenance (every 15000km) and the records are all in the owner's manual as below.
I bought it as a souvenir because I finished my contract in FEI and moved to Taiwan on Feb 1, 2014 with a 20-foot container bought by me. At that moment I also wanted to learn the process as a possible new business for me back in Taiwan. In the end, I understand the exporting/ importing/ testing/ registration process is lengthy because I performed the entire process mostly by myself. The followings are photos taken during the eintire process:
Within two years of de-registration, the car information can still be retrieved at by entering the plate number 26GLX2.
The reason and process to ship it back to the Netherlands
Aygo/Citroen C1/Peugeot 107 is popular in Europe and Toyota is also popular in Taiwan. However, the Taiwanese administration requires a complete noise/emission/safety/energy efficiency test which would cost around 4000 euro because this car type is unknown in Taiwan. I decided to ship it back to the Netherlands for someone who can keep driving it. With the sale I can travel back to Eindoven to meet up with my friends and check with the possible buyers myself. The following is the photo taken when I drove to Keelung harbor in Taiwan on July 20, 2015 with a temporary plate number under the windshield.
As below, I packed this car myself inside a rented container which was shipped on July 30 and is expected to arrive at Rotterdam on Aug 25.
I shipped this car to one friend of mine, Hil, in Eindhoven and I ask him to be the legal owner of this car in the Netherlands. The transportation company in Rotterdam has also provided me a price estimate as below.
Maintenance record in Taiwan and maintenance advise back in the Netherlands
The millage was increased not much (by about 1000km) since I started to own it on Dec 23, 2013 until I shipped it back to Rotterdam on July 20, 2015. As below, the milage is now 118,768 km.

The car has been protected with a cover and parked under a roof in Taiwan. According to the owner's manual, every 1 year/15000km requires a "tussentijdse servicebeurt" and every 2 year/30000km requires a "volledige servicebeurt". This car had been checked every 15000km before I bought it and last time it was checked in the garage on July 2, 2013. Two years have passed although the millage has increased by merely about 12000km. Therefore, I recommend you perform a "volledige servicebeurt" especially for these items which require replacements for a number of years/millage elasped, whichever comes first. By the way, I feel the clutch is pretty loose since I bought it and I have seen some Toyota Aygo's have their clutches replaced on Marktplaats. I don't know what exactly the specification is to replace the clutch but please be prepared that your garage might advise you to do so.

The followings are the replacement records of the items I have purchased and will be given to you for free. Please provide to your garage to avoid double replacements especially for the engine oil and filter.
1. Engine oil (purchased in Eindoven, 3.3L consumed for the replacement in July 2015, 1.7L left)
2. Engine oil filter (purchased in Eindoven, replaced in July 2015)
3. Car battery (purchased in Aug 2014 in Taiwan, replaced in June 2015)
4. Windshield wiper (purchased in Eindoven, not replaced yet)
5. Windshield wiper fluid (purchased in Eindoven, half consumed)
What I will do before selling this car in the Netherlands
I plan to arrive in the Netherands on Aug 20 and leave on Sep 13 to sell this car. Before selling this car on Marktplaats, I will need to apply for/perform the followings in the Netherlands:
1. car plate (kentekenplaten)
2. license (kentekenbewijs)
3. APK
4. Insurance (aansprakelijkheidsverzekering)
5. Tax (VAT and bpm)
6. NAP proof
Price and dates to check visually
Considering the original catalog price of 11550 euro, give-away items for free, average condition of 7-year Toyota Aygo on Marktplaats with around 120,000 km millage, and the full maintenance recommendation, I set the price to be 3950 euro.
The car will be in Rotterdam on Aug 25 and I will leave the Netherlands on Sep 13. So you are free to contact me and schedule the date/time between around Aug 26 and Sep 13 to check visually this Totota Aygo in Eindhoven.
Marktplaats description
I will post the information on the following document on Marktplaats once the plate number is retrieved and allowed on Marktplaats posts.