I did a desert trip two years ago in Tunisia but this time was a totally different experience. Firstly I travelled with a multinational team in which Mandarin, Polish, English, German, Dutch, Abrabic are spoken as our mother tongues. Also many of us can speak other languages so totally more than 10 languages can be recognized by this group. I also met "surprising" Mr. B since his Ethnic backgourds are the most complicated I have ever seen. His father is African-Japanese and his mother is French-Indonesian. He and his siblings have so mixed bloods that each of them gave his/her parents a surprise because his brother looks like an African, his sister looks like a Japanese and he looks like an Indonesian with an African nose.
Secondly, we argued quite a lot on different issues on the bus to the destination since everyone works as different job positions like an artist, a boss, a truck driver, a consultant, an engineer, sales, etc. in different cities like New York, Zurich, Antwerpen, Taipei and Hsinchu. I also found it is really challenging to me to address my point in a structural way on many topics. I feel Taiwanese are not educated to have one's own point so much.

Thirdly, I managed to stay over night beside huge sand dunes with guides playing Moroccan drums for us this time. It is hard to believe the mountains are actually sand when we had a first glance at them far away. We were exhausted when trying to climb up to the top because sand just sunk each step and we just couldn't move upward.
it's really an exciting journey!
way to go~
it's not so hard as you might imagine. It's just like people in Taiwan go to neighboring countries like Japan, China, Bali, Bangkok very often. For Westerners, going there is like a dream like I go to Morroco, in which Europeans travel quite often. Cuba is also a popular place now for Dutch.
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